Mary Freeman Boardman

The Porch Fairy

At any time, on any day of the week, unlike a “Porch Pirate” who walks up to a porch and “steals” the package that’s been previously delivered, the “Porch Fairy” sneaks up to your porch and “leaves” a gift for you. And, the Porch Fairy‘s been doing this since Thanksgiving 2020, giving away over 1000 Porch Fairy bags so far.

Why? You might ask. The Porch Fairy says it started this way. While contemplating what to do as a gesture of thanksgiving for a year when Covid ran rampant, depression was overwhelming the masses, and hate seemed to be around every corner, Maggie Rivers (a/k/a The Porch Fairy), decided her usual thing of handing out carnations to people in a parking lot, and giving a meal to a homeless person just wouldn’t do it. She happened to be watching the news and the story of people stealing packages off people’s porches came on. And the idea of the “Porch Fairy” was born!

Instead of stealing packages off people’s porches, the “Porch Fairy” leaves a package on random porches in random neighborhoods. Ms. Rivers says it’s to bring a little joy and happiness into unsuspecting people’s lives. And, in doing so, it puts a big smile on her face as well.

What’s in the package? Well, Ms. Rivers is a romance author with over 25 books in print. So, she takes a bag, places one of her autographed books inside along with other trinkets and a handful of candy. She ties a “Porch Fairy” note onto a balloon which she then ties to the bag’s handle.

Then, taking 10 bags at a time, she packs the backseat of her car and off she goes to an unsuspecting neighborhood where she stops in front of a house, sneaks up to the porch, and drops off the bag before getting back into her car and finding another house to gift with a bag of “Porch Fairy” goodies.

Ms. Rivers says she has been having so much fun picking a house and gifting it with a bag, then imagining the delight on someone’s face when they read the note from the “Porch Fairy” that she’s just decided to continue doing it even though Thanksgiving has long since passed.

What if“, Ms. Rivers says, “Porch Fairies invaded the world and spread love, kindness, joy and happiness instead of hate!

So, join Ms. Rivers and share a little goodness by being a “Porch Fairy” when you can!

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